Sunday, February 21, 2010


I found the book Feed by M.T. Anderson to be pretty interesting. At first, I wasn't sure what to think of the book and I was a little confused by some of the language, but I actually ended up enjoying most of it. I definitely would not want to live the way they do. It's too much to be constantly bombarded by things inside your head and never having to really think for yourself. Reading the book made me think a lot about the future. Anderson shows a very interesting perspective on what it could be like. At what point does technology stop? Hopefully the future won't be as extreme. When our society starts becoming too technologically advanced I hope there will be people like Violet, who resist the "feed."

1 comment:

  1. The language really messed me up at first too. I was very put off by the book because I didn't understand what they were saying and the style of writing was hard to read at first. Do you think you would be like Violet and resist the "Feed?"
